Silently Rebellious ANDO Teru: The Sculptor of the Faithful Dog Hachiko’s Statue

June 21(Saturday) – August 17 (Sunday), 2025

Faithful Dog Hachiko, Date unknown, Kagoshima City Museum of Art Collection

ANDO Teru (1892 – 1945) is the creator of the first statue of the faithful dog Hachiko – the landmark monument of Shibuya station. The present exhibition commemorates 80 years since the artist’s death and attempts to give an exhaustive introduction to ANDO’s activities, not only with about 20 pieces of his existing works and documents but also through the works of related artists.
The works of ANDO, who lived during the unstable times of approaching war and rivalry in the crowded sculptors’ circles of the Showa Period, are simple and tranquil, as if defying the atmosphere of the era. The sculptures created by ANDO, who silently fought his time, can probably provide us, living in the present-day vigorously changing society, with fresh insights.


Duration June 21(Saturday) – August 17 (Sunday), 2025
AdmissionGeneral: 1000 yen (800 yen); University Students: 800 yen (640 yen); High-School Students/Seniors 60 and Older: 500 yen (400 yen); Elementary/Junior-High-School Students: 100 yen (80 yen)
*Numbers inside parentheses ( ) are admission fees for groups of ten or more and for Shibuya residents.
*Elementary and junior-high-school students are admitted free of charge on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and during the summer vacation.
*Shibuya residents are admitted free of charge on Fridays.
*Persons with disabilities and up to one attendant are admitted free of charge.
*Admission fees can only be paid in cash or with the Shibuya Ward cashless payment app "HachiPay".
ClosedMonday (except for July 21, and August 11, 2025), July 22(Tue.), and August 12(Tue.), 2025
Organized by The Shoto Museum of Art