Terms of use

Terms of use

This website (hereinafter, “the site”) is operated by the Shoto Museum of Art (hereinafter, “the museum”).
By using the site, you agree to the terms of use below. Note that these terms of use are subject to change as necessary. In such cases, the revised terms of use will be posted here, so please check this page for the most recent version.


The copyright and other rights on the text, materials, images, trademarks, and all other contents and works on the site are retained by the museum, the original authors, and other rights holders. All contents and works on the site are protected by Japanese copyright laws, treaties, and conventions, as well as the copyright laws of other countries, and cannot be used for purposes beyond personal use. Furthermore, it is strictly prohibited to make the contents and works on the site available to third parties without the permission of the rights holder, regardless of method, including modification, copying, renting, lending, selling, publishing, transmission, and broadcast. However, in cases where individual terms of use are attached to individual works, those terms will take precedence.


The museum provides users with no warranty of any kind concerning the quality of the systems on the site, the quality of the services provided on the site, or the completeness, authenticity, or usefulness of the information on the site, whether provided by the museum or by a third party (including information in advertisements that appear on the site). The museum will not be held responsible for any damage caused by the information or services provided through the museum, or for any disputes that may arise with other users or third parties related to information or services provided through the museum. The museum will not be held responsible if the site is difficult or impossible to connect to, or if some or all of the services are incomplete or not provided in full, and users who are able to connect to the site will not seek to hold the museum responsible for any such problems they encounter. The site’s organization, terms of use, and address are subject to change without prior notice, and operation of the site may be interrupted or discontinued at any time without prior notice. The museum will not be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by these changes, deletions, interruptions, or discontinuities, regardless of reason. Third party websites that link to the site or are linked to by it (hereinafter, “linked sites”) are the responsibility of the operators of those sites, which are not under the control of the museum. Furthermore, the museum will not be held responsible for any loss or damage arising from use of the contents of linked sites.

Prohibited conduct

  • Conduct in violation of public order and morals
  • Conduct in violation of laws and regulations
  • Conduct detrimental to other users or third parties (including infringement of copyright and portrait rights, slander, and libel)
  • Conduct that interferes with the operation of the museum or undermines confidence in the museum
  • Internet business or sales activities not approved by the museum
  • Unauthorized reproduction or redistribution of any information related to the site
  • Conduct in violation of the terms and conditions stipulated by your online service or Internet service provider
  • Transmission or posting of malware or other harmful computer programs
  • Altering or falsifying information related to the museum or the site or information provided through the site
  • Other conduct that the museum deems inappropriate

Governing law and court of jurisdiction

Unless otherwise stipulated, the use of the site and the interpretation and application of these terms of use will comply with the laws of Japan. The Tokyo District Court will have exclusive first instance jurisdiction over any and all disputes related to the use of the site.

Tested environments

For your safety and comfort, the site has been tested and confirmed to display and operate correctly on the browsers listed below.
The site may not operate correctly outside of the tested environments listed below.


Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
Google Chrome (most recent version)
Firefox (most recent version)


Google Chrome (most recent version)
Firefox (most recent version)
Safari (most recent version)

*If you interact with the same page in multiple tabs at the same time using the tab feature in Microsoft Internet Explorer or another browser, problems may occur, such as selected content being passed to another tab. We recommend that you do not interact with the site in multiple tabs at the same time.
*The site is not guaranteed to work in preview releases or beta versions, or full browsers on mobile phones.
*Even within the above environments, display problems may occur or various functions may be unavailable due to particular combinations of browsers and operating systems or for similar reasons.
*The site is not guaranteed to work in preview releases or beta versions, other new browsers, or full browsers on mobile phones.
*Some Japanese text may appear garbled when using a non-Japanese language version of the OS.


Viewing and printing the PDF files on the site requires Adobe Acrobat Reader or Adobe Reader.
Visit the Adobe Reader (Adobe Acrobat Reader) download page.


Some of the content on the site uses Javascript.
If JavaScript is disabled on your browser, the site may not function properly or display correctly. To take advantage of all content, we recommend enabling JavaScript in your browser settings.